Monday, August 27, 2012

Pink Neck Candy

Here are the most recent necklaces I have made. One has translucent pink beads on a gold chain. The other if a soft pink pendant with a cluster of pink pearls above it. It also hangs on a long gold chain. 

Individual pictures of each below. 

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Neon Black and White Earrings

I have a ton of sew on rhinestones and am constantly trying to figure out what to do with them. I made these earrings. They are very bold and while I couldn't pull it off wearing them maybe someone out here could get inspired for their own set? 

Below are the original pictures individually. 

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Testing a higher quality .gif

Just practicing making .gifs in photoshop. 

More Fabric flower Necklaces

Single fabric flower necklace with a cluster of pink beads. Below are close ups of each picture. I also used this tutorial as a guide to make this necklace. 

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Fabric Flower Necklace with White Pearls

I used this tutorial as a guide for this necklace. I did not make the fabric flowers myself, I purchased it as a trim from a local trimming shop.

Hair Comb with Rhinestones Tutorial

Here is an easy tutorial on how to make this cute Rhinestone hair comb. 

These are the materials you will need:

Hair Comb

Rhinestone Trim 

 Cotton Thread (you can also use suede or embroidery thread) 

not pictured Hot Glue Gun and scissors 

Take your hair comb and gently spread out the "teeth" of the comb. Not to much, just enough to allow the thread to pass easily. 

Use your hot Glue gun to attach the rhinestone trim. 

Start wrapping the trim with your thread. You can either knot it at the beginning or tuck the starting strand under your wraps. I've included a picture below of the back so you can see what mine looks like in the back. You can also glue the strand behind the rhinestone trim to secure it, then begin to wrap. I did three wraps each between the rhinestones, feel free to do as many as you like. 

When you reach the end, knot the string and cut it off. 

Here is what the back of mine looks like. My starting point is on the right side of this picture. 

Here is the final product! 

Friday, August 10, 2012

DIY Hair Comb with Rhinestones

Testing out a .gif I made on this blog. Detailed tut coming soon!